Education Overview 17th Edition: Education Quality and Access Disparity in Indonesia (Portrait Based on the PISA Survey 2015)

Since 2017, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) Republic of Indonesia issued a school zonation system in the new student admission (PPDB) system and was completed in 2018 through Ministry of Education and Culture Ministerial Regulation No 14 of 2018 that replaced Ministry of Education and Culture Ministerial Regulation No 17 of 2017 regarding PDBB. Why the school zonation system? The main reason that has been conveyed is the government wants to focus on reforming schools holistically to implement equal access and quality of education services.

This Edition of Education Overview presents the result of empirical study that can enrich discussion regarding the urgency of school zonation system policies and also other policies oriented towards equal educational opportunities. This study refers to two large questions. First regarding the quality of education, which is:

How large is the quality disparity among schools in Indonesia?

Putting aside the public’s perception regarding the existence of favorite and unfavorite schools, scientific evidence regarding education quality disparity in Indonesia is still difficult to find. This study contributes the quantitative estimation regarding the disparity of senior high and junior high school’s quality on a national scale in Indonesia. If the evidence shows a quality disparity, then the issue of access becomes important. Therefore our second question that we investigate is:

Who – or students with what kind of socio economic background – that are in schools with better quality?

The complete study regarding Education Overview 17th Edition: Education Quality and Access Disparity in Indonesia can be downloaded here

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