Fulfilling Access to Primary and Secondary Education

In order to fulfill the mandatory education mandate, addressing issues related to access to education becomes one of the major tasks for the country to achieve. There is a need for policy acceleration to fulfill education access starting from the New Student Admissions (PPDB) policy to subsequent policies for fulfilling that access.

PSPK Roles

Supporting the formulation of New Student Admissions (PPDB) policy at both the national and regional levels through the Lingkar Daerah Belajar (LDB).

  • Accompanying the monitoring and evaluation (monev) of PPDB.
  • Evaluating the impact of PPDB.
  • Formulating national PPDB policies.
  • Strengthening PPDB in the regions.
Searching for good practices and monitoring the impact of PPDB implementation and what changes are needed to address the existing education access issues in the field.Improving the PPDB policy at the national level to resolve education access issues. At the regional level, assisting in developing education policies that are relevant and contextual to the conditions in the area.Supporting regions, in this case, the Jakarta Provincial Education Office, in responding to questions and objections from the residents of Jakarta during the PPDB implementation.


  • Center for Standards and Education Policy (PSKP) of BSKAP, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (MoECRT) of Indonesia
  • Directorate General of Early Childhood, Primary, and Secondary Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (MoECRT) of Indonesia
  • DKI Jakarta Provincial Government
  • DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office


  • Recommendations for impact evaluation study design, data analysis recommendations, policy improvement recommendations based on the results of the evaluation study.
  • Publication of “Kilas Pendidikan: Polemik PPDB”
  • Support for Secretary General’s Decision No. 47/M/2023 on the Guidelines for the Implementation of Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation No. 1 of 2021 on PPDB.

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